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Absinthium tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Ajenjo (artemisia absinthium)

Andean blueberries tincture 30 ml - 1 oz  | Mortiño (vaccinum meridionale)

Artichoke 30 ml - 1 oz | Alcachofa (Cynada Scolymus)

Wormwood Tincture, The Herbolarium

It is diuretic, detoxifying. It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic. Antiparasitic. It has an immunomodulatory effect, which contributes to raising the defenses of the immune system. Has expectorant properties, fights colds and flu. It is used both medicinally and a culinary herb. Previously, it is used as a bittering and flavoring agent in fermented grain beverage. It normally blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. The dilution is helpful in epileptic conditions and in convulsive diseases of childhood.

Mortiño Tincture, The Herbolarium

Andean species related to the blueberry. it is a fruit of the forest; Being considered before as a scrub, the agraz is now estimated by the antioxidant values ​​of its fruit, given its high anthocyanin content. In medicine it treats diabetes, flu, rheumatism and diseases related to the kidneys and liver. It also helps recover from the discomfort of hangovers from excess alcohol intake. It is also used to treat nervous conditions.

Lavender Tincture, The Herbolarium

Cynara Scolymus Mother Tincture is a homeopathic remedy primarily used to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. Highly effective in treating and preventing conditions associated with thyroid such as hair and weight loss. Regulates bile function and stimulates the metabolism of fats and protects the liver. It is used regularly in case of digestive and liver problems. Contains silymarin, purifies the blood.

Bouganville tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
| Buganvilla (Bougainvillea buttiana)

Beetroot tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Remolacha (Beta vulgaris L.)

Caapi tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Ayahuasca sin DMT (Banisteriopsis caapi)

Canada Organic
USDA Organic
Green European Union
Bouganvillea Tincture, The Herbolarium

Bougainvillea helps speed healing. It is antitussive, antipyretic, helps lower fever, helps balance the digestive system, is an expectorant, promotes skin care and improves the respiratory system. It has natural antibiotic properties so it can be used to treat respiratory diseases. Reduces dry cough and helps eliminate phlegm. Reduces fever, thanks to the fact that it is antipyretic. Improves the functioning of the lungs as it increases their oxygenation capacity. Fight constipation. It has antiseptic properties, so if applied to the skin, it helps fight acne, infections and peeling. Accelerates wound healing.

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Beets have many benefits. It provides vitamin A, vitamin B1 and B2 and additional, it has antioxidant, relaxing, cardioprotective, hypotensive, hepatoprotective, anticancer, hypocholesterolemic, rejuvenating, neuroprotective and immune properties.

Caapi shredded, green matters
Caapi leaves
Caapi Tincture, The Herbolarium

B. caapi may be useful for neurodegenerative diseases due to its combined effect of proanthocyanidins and β-carboline alkaloids, which provide it with inhibitory effects of MAO-B, antioxidant and anti-neurodegenerative properties, while the inhibition of MAO increases the release of dopamine in brain cells, which could prevent its deterioration.

Cat's claw tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Uña de gato (Uncaria tormentosa)

Cow´s foot tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Pata de vaca DIABETES 
(Bahuinia forficata)

Green European Union
Canada Organic
USDA Organic

Clove tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Clavo de olor (Syzygium aromaticum)

Uña de gato

Cat's claw is a liana that grows in the jungles of South America, where for almost 2,000 years it has been used for medicinal purposes. The decoction of this Amazonian medicinal plant is widely used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory, as well as for the treatment of diabetes, various tumors, cancer, viral processes, irregularities of the menstrual cycle, convalescence and general weakness.

Uña de gato Tincture, The Herbolarium
Pata de vaca
Pata de vaca Tincture, The Herbolarium

The Amazonian species known as cow's foot (Bauhimia forficata link), popularly used as a medicinal plant, is reputed to be effective in the treatment of diabetes, and to have purgative and diuretic properties. It has properties as a hypoglycemic agent, it is also used as an astringent, healing and antiseptic.

Clavo de olor
Clavo de olor Tincture, The Herbolarium


Clove increases the secretion of gastrointestinal enzymes, improves your digestion, and relieves indigestion, constipation, nausea, and an upset stomach. In addition, it accelerates the metabolism, which helps in the rapid burning of fat, that is, it is a natural slimmer. Is a very strong plant, do not apply directly on the sensitive skins.

Carrot tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Zanahoria (Daucus carota)

Chamomile tincture 30 ml - 1 ozManzanilla (Chamaemelum nobile)

Chiriyuyo tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Dulcamara (Kalanchoe pinnata)


It is rich in phosphorus, which invigorates tired minds and bodies. It is very useful to eliminate colic and promotes digestion. It is a diuretic vegetable that prevents fluid retention. It cannot be missed in summer, as it facilitates tanning in a healthy and completely natural way.

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Chamomile Tincture, The Herbolarium


Chamomile is used for difficult digestion, flatus, stomach pain, gastric ulcers, gastritis, diverticulosis, diverticulitis, liver diseases, prevention of arteriosclerosis, degeneration of the gallbladder and kidneys, in cases of dysmenorrhea, relieves the physical effects of depression, food poisoning, obesity, gout, arthritis due to its diuretic properties, sinusitis, anxiety, nervousness and chronic bronchitis.

Chiriyuyo Tincture, The Herbolarium

Kalanchoe or Chiriyuyo is a medicinal plant with different effects on the body, which provide action: Anti-inflammatory Hepatoprotective Antihemorrhagic Anticancer Cough suppressant Diuretic Antihistamine Antiseptic Antidiabetic Antibacterial Antalgic Antiulcer Emollient Digestive Antiviral

Chuquiragua tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Chuquiragua Jussieui)

Dandelion tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Diente de León (Taraxacum officinale)

Fig tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Higo HORMONAS NATURALES(Ficus carica)

Dandelion flowers and leaf
Chuquiragua Tincture, The Herbolarium

Diuretic and sweaty properties are attributed to it if it is taken as an infusion, or it serves as a healing and anti-inflammatory when used topically. This native plant of the Ecuadorian páramo can be found from 3,000 to 5,000 meters above sea level. Its healing power has been considered by the inhabitants of the communities as very important, especially when it comes to curing the liver or kidney.

Dandelion Tincture, The Herbolarium

Dandelion has traditionally been used as a detoxifying plant par excellence. This plant is composed of phenolic compounds, flavonoids, steroids, triterpene steroids, saponins, coumarins, tannins, alkaloids and glycosides that give it its medicinal properties. The detoxifying action of the tincture unleashes multiple benefits for the body: it cares for the liver, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system, takes care of the urinary system, deflates the gastrointestinal tract, deflates the ovaries, strengthens the immune system

Fig Tincture, The Herbolarium

Fig leaves help control diabetes, reduce the amount of insulin in the body, because they are rich in potassium, a mineral responsible for regulating the amount of sugar absorbed by the body. Accelerates digestion. Level off the pressure. Treat bronchitis. Regulates female hormones.

Ginger tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Jengibre (Zingiber officinale)

Guayusa tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | ENERGÍA NATURAL (cafeína)
(Ilex guayusa loes)

Canada Organic
USDA Organic
Green European Union

Hibiscus tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Flor de Jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa)

Ginger Tincture, The Herbolarium

Digestive, choleretic, cholagogue, antispasmodic, carminative and diuretic stimulant. It is antibacterial, it is a natural reliever, headaches, migraines, headaches or palpitations of nervous origin as well as mild muscle aches, sprains, etc. for its anti-inflammatory action.


Guayusa also known as Ilex guayusa, is a native plant of the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest. The leaves are used in infusions with stimulating properties Usually guayusa is used to improve symptoms of fatigue and to combat the stress.

​The caffeine can be founded as the main ingredient of this plant, whose content is high, and can range from 2.90 to 3.28% in dry weight. The leaves are recognized for their energizing and stimulating potential. It also contain theobromine (stimulant present in chocolate) and L-theanine (glutamic acid present in green tea).

Guayusa Tincture, The Herbolarium
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The hibiscus flower is usually recognized for its therapeutic or medicinal properties.

This is because, like most plants, it concentrates multiple vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds called phytochemicals, with various antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and antihypertensive properties. It is useful for losing weight, it is used to combat flu symptoms, as a remedy for stomach diseases and in heart treatment, it is used for skin ailments such as ulcers, lesions and abscesses. It helps women to treat menstrual problems.

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Ishpingo tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Canela amazónica (Ocotea quixos)

Canada Organic
USDA Organic
Green European Union

Lavender tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Lavanda RELAJANTE - INSOMNIO (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lemon Balm tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Toronjil ANTIESTRESS - NERVIOS
(Melissa officinalis)

Ishpingo Tincture, The Herbolarium

Ocotea quixos or ishpingo is a species of tree belonging to the family Lauraceae. It is used within the traditional health system developed by the original peoples of the Andes of Ecuador. The ishpingo has a high concentration of antioxidants and iron, manganese and calcium. In a recently study it demonstrated that ishpingo combat anemia, arthritis, chronic catarrh and dropsy and some of its traditional uses as eupeptic and disinfectant. Also is an antiparasitic and eliminates bacteria due to urinary infections

Lavender Tincture, The Herbolarium

Lavender is commonly used for anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It is also used for depression, dementia, pain after surgery, and many other conditions. It also seems to have antibacterial and antifungal effects. Improve mood disorders, boost the sleep, soothe menstrual cramping. Improve skin health

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Lemon balm medicinal benefits are:

Helps relieve nerves: thanks to its chemical composition, lemon balm has a calming and sedative effect. It has diuretic properties: drinking lemon balm tea could help us reduce fluid retention. Relieves digestive problems: helps reduce stomach cramps, thanks to its antispasmodic properties. Soothes pain: due to its analgesic characteristics, lemon balm tea can be useful to treat pain such as migraine, toothache or menstrual pain. It is an antioxidant: it helps protect cells and promotes their regeneration.

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Lemongrass tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
 | Hierba Luisa (Cymbopogon citratus)

Canada Organic
USDA Organic
Green European Union

Lemon Verbena tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Cedrón (Aloysia citradora)

Mashua tincture 30 ml - 1 oz 1 PROBLEMAS DE PRÓSTATA
(Tropaelum tuberosum)

Lemon verbena
Dry cedrón
Lemon verbena Tincture, The Herbolarium

The lemongrass is antibacterial, antitussive and has expectorant properties, so it can improve respiratory conditions. Therefore is beneficial in cases such as colds, allergies, etc. for helping to clear mucus and reduce coughing. Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass also contains substances that are thought to relieve pain and swelling, reduce fever, improve levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow, and have antioxidant properties.

Cedrón Tincture, The Herbolarium

The lemon verbena is a native shrub of South America that has antispasmodic, antibacterial properties, carminatives , sedative It also serves in digestive disorders (diarrhea, colic, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and flatulence); in disorders of the nervous system (insomnia and anxiety); and in flu states (colds with fever)

Mashua Tincture, The Herbolarium

Tropaeolum tuberosum, popularly called mashwa, añu or isaño, is a plant native to the central Andes, which is used mainly to combat prostatitis. The effect of mashua on the prostate is due to the substance known as isothiocyanate that this food contains. This Andean tuber very similar to the potato and the goose, provides great pharmaceutical and healing properties to the human body. According to studies, this food with protein, carbohydrate and anthocyanin is anticancer and is capable of treating colon, skin and prostate cancer.

Moringa tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Moringa oleifera)

Moringa + Turmeric + Guayusa tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Moringa + Cúrcuma + Guayusa  (Moringa oleifera-Ilex guayusa - Curcuma longa)

Canada Organic
USDA Organic
Green European Union

Milk Thistle tincture 30 ml - 1oz | Cardo Mariano
(Sylibum marianum)

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Moringa Tincture, The Herbolarium

Moringa, also called the tree of life, is a medicinal plant that has a high content of vitamins and minerals such as iron, carotenoids, quercetin, vitamin C, polyphenols, chlorogenic acid, among others, which provide it with a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat some respiratory diseases, reduce anxiety, lose weight and even control blood glucose in diabetics.

Guayusa, Moringa and Turmeric Tincture, The Herbolarium

Moringa, also known as "the miracle tree" for its many benefits, provides us with an abundance of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. On the one hand, moringa, provides us with an abundance of antioxidants, reduces blood sugar and regulates cholesterol to a healthy level. On the other hand, turmeric is a plant whose root has been used for more than 2,000 years in China and India as a medicine and a species; It is ideal to relieve pain and inflammation in joint problems, muscle injuries, constipation, colitis, arthritis, rheumatism, psoriasis and other chronic-degenerative diseases - Guayusa gives the energy and all the antioxidants that you need daily.

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It is used for several diseases. It is commonly used to treat liver problems, demonstrating excellent health results for people with this type of condition. In addition, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-allergic properties are also attributed to it. Sylymarin has been found to be very effective in treating liver diseases. Serves as a digestive tonic, stomach heaviness, Reduces inflammation and reduces inflammation of the respiratory tract. Helps lose weight. Rejuvenates the skin. Relieves certain allergies, has a hypoglycemic effect. It has anti-allergic properties It improves the functioning of the liver, eliminating toxins from liver cells and improving the synthesis of hepatocytin, a protein present in this important organ. Helps treat diabetes. Hypoglycemic

Oregano tincture 30 ml - 1oz 
(Origanum vulgare)

Palo Santo tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Bursera graveolens)

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Palo santo (Bursera graveolens) is a tree that’s native to Peru, Ecuador, and other South American countries. It grows in dry tropical forests and produces very fragrant resin. In Spanish, palo santo means “holy wood.” Palo santo is associated with several medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Reportedly, it can do the following. Limonene is a substance with insecticide properties, so it’s used in natural insect repellants. Another supposed benefit is pain relief. People use palo santo to treat different types of pain, including: arthritis, headache, throat pain 
Improve stress response

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Oregano has good antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity against pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, among others. Is a natural antibiotic, antifungical and digestive.

Papaya tincture 30 ml - 1oz 
(Carica papaya)

Papaya Tincture, The Herbolarium

It is a multipurpose health tonic which is used in the treatment of various health issues such as urinary issues, intestinal worms and enlargement of the liver. Contractions in the uterus and irregular period flow is also addressed using this medicine. Works in cases of dyspepsia; conjunctivitis; enlarged liver, spleen and uterine disorders. It removes freckles and other blemishes from the skin. Research reports state it to inhibit action of thrombin on fibrinogen. Latex useful for tumour, warts and cancer growth.

Roses tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Rosas x odorata)

Roses Tincture, The Herbolarium

Roses are rich in anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that is used as a best medicine to treat hay fever in the initial days. It keeps the blood sugar level under control and keeps the cardiovascular system healthy. Helps fight anxiety. It gives you a feeling of well-being in moments of depression or grief, balances the emotions. Take away the insomnia, the sadness

Dry Roses

Rosemery tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Rosmarinus officinale)

Rue tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Ruta graveolens)


Rosemary Tincture, The Herbolarium
Ruda Tincture, The Herbolarium

Rosemary is one of the most used plants in phytotherapy since it is found in different parts of the planet, making it one of the favorites of patients. This plant is us antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory. It is one of the plants with the most antioxidants. Very rich in rosmarinic acid, myrcene or camphene with antioxidant properties. Rosemary tincture is used in friction to soothe rheumatic pains, bruises and skin conditions.

It is used for digestion problems including loss of appetite, upset stomach, and diarrhea. Heart and circulation problems including pounding heart (heart palpitations) and “hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis). Works in other painful conditions including headache, arthritis, cramps, and muscle spasms; and for nervous system problems including nervousness, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Bell's palsy. Other uses include treatment of fever, hemorrhage, hepatitis, “weakness of the eyes,” water retention, intestinal worm infestations, and mouth cancer. Some women use rue for menstrual problems, to stimulate the uterus, careful: it may cause abortions.


Sage tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Salvia officinale)

Salvia sage
Salvia Tincture, The Herbolarium

It is useful in treating respiratory disorders such as cough and irritation. It is also useful in treating pulmonary tuberculosis and similar diseases related to it. It is also useful in treating galactorrhea and works as a tonic for the skin. Helps in reducing excessive sweating associated with circulation. Effective in treating respiratory disorders such as cough and irritation in throat. It helps in improving circulation. Helps in curing fibrosis of lungs. Works as a skin tonic and makes your skin smooth. Useful against phthisis with night sweats

Sacha garlic tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Mansoa alliacea)

Canada Organic
USDA Organic
Green European Union

Sangre de drago tincture 30 ml - 1 oz (Croton Lechleri)

Sacha Ajo Tincture, The Herbolarium

The bush garlic or sacha ajo is found mainly in the primary forests of tropical areas.The leaves and flowers contain the well-known asteroids anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, daucasterol and fucosterol. Other chemicals in garlic are carbohydrates, proteins, alkaloids, flavones, saponins, dimethyl sulfide, divinyl sulfide, vitamin C and E, which act as antioxidants and as functional elements such as selenium and chromium, for all these, mproves blood circulation, it has an antibacterial effect. Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol Fight fungi, bacteria and viruses. It acts as an anti-inflammatory. Prevents cancer when is  consumed over time.

Sangre de drago Tincture, The Herbolarium

Sangre de dargo resin is used for diarrhea associated with cholera, AIDS, traveling, or treatment with antibiotics. Sangre de Drago is also used for treating cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, viral respiratory infections, fever, hemorrhage, bleeding gums, wounds, broken bones, vaginal infections, hemorrhoids, a skin condition called eczema, and insect bites and stings. Other uses include treating ulcers of the mouth, throat, stomach, or intestine; supporting the body's tissue repair mechanisms; and as a general tonic. The sangre de drago can apply directly on the skin to wound injuries or cuts in a faster way

Sacha ajo
Sangre de drago

Star anise tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Illicium verum)

Sen tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Senna alexandrina)

Turmeric tincture 30 ml - 1 oz
(Curcuma longa)

Anís de estrella
Anís estrellado Tincture, The Herbolarium

Star anise seeds contain ingredients that might have activity against bacteria, yeast, and fungi. People try star anise for treating flu because it is a good source of shikimic acid, which is used in the manufacture of oseltamivir (Tamiflu), a flu treatment. The star anise contains thymol, terpineol and anethole, which is used for treating cough and flu. Anise also helps improve digestion, alleviate cramps and reduce nausea. Consuming star anise after meals helps treat digestive ailments such as bloating, gas, indigestion and constipation.


Sen Tincture, The Herbolarium

Sen leaves have a laxative and purgative effect. Its action is due to the fact that it causes a greater movement of the colon and the volume of the stool thanks to a partial inhibition of the absorption of water at the level of the colon, which allows better hydration of the stools. It can be used in cases of severe constipation. and intestinal atony. Be careful, intestines can become "lazy" if you take the medicine for a very long time. Use it when you need it and stop. Then you can use it again anytime is necessary.

Turmeric Tincture, The Herbolarium

Turmeric is a reference for solving gastronomic problems, also as an antibacterial, natural anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and purifying agent. The properties of turmeric are useful to alleviate common stomach ailments such as indigestion and gas, and they also have the ability to stimulate the activity of the digestive system since it activates the gallbladder to secrete bile and thereby improve digestion. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties can provide significant support for arthritic, osteoarthritic, and rheumatoid processes. These anti-inflammatory compounds have been shown to be effective in acting on the mucous membranes of the lungs and throat, therefore they may be useful in treating asthma. also possesses antispasmodic properties. can be useful to relieve pain associated with menstrual cramps

Sen leaves

Valerian tincture 30 ml - 1 oz | Valeriana - INSOMNIO - NERVIOS
(Valeriana officinalis)

Valerian flowers
Valeriana Tincture, The Herbolarium

Valerian root has sedative and hypnotic activity, which is why it is indicated in cases of nervousness or anxiety and in sleep disorders. It has also been shown to have spasmolytic and muscle relaxant activity. It has been known and used since ancient times. Traditionally it has been used in cases of anxiety, excitability and insomnia and as an antispasmodic. But it has also been used to combat headaches, intestinal colic, rheumatic pain, dysmenorrhea; topically in cuts, small inflammations and for acne. Traditional Chinese medicine also includes its usefulness in colds, bruises and menstruation problems

Anti-FLU formulation | Antigripe 30 ml - 1 oz
(Mix of amazonian herbs, citrics,spiceshoney, thyme and flowers)

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Powerful amazonian mix of herbal extractions, spices, flowers and citrics, to create a unique formulation antiflu, throat problems, breathing issues.

Alcohol based - available in glycerine base for children or people who don't have alcohol tolerance

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Make your own
set with 3 units


Create your own set of medicinal tinctures and get a great price!




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Canada Organic
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