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Animal Cruelty Make-Up

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Warning: Disturbing photos!

The application of a powder, a lipstick or a cream on the skin can be pleasant and harmless, thanks to the sacrifice and the thousands of laboratory tests to which millions of animals are subjected in the cosmetic and dermatological industry for the benefit of the human being . These species surely suffered some irritation, a rash or other injury to their skin to protect yours.

Without exaggeration, the subject of animal experimentation is far from having a happy ending since every year, more than 100 million animals - rats, mice, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters , monkeys, guinea pigs and others - They are killed after going through hard tests to create beauty and personal care products that do not affect the human being, according to the worldwide organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

The method is simple: Repeated dose toxicity. Rabbits or rats are forced to ingest or inhale cosmetic ingredients, or the ingredient is applied directly on their shaved skin, every day for 28 or 90 days. The test also includes the skin sensitization (guinea pigs with their shaved skin are exposed to the substance, or through the ears of rats to see allergic reactions); or carcinogenicity tests (rats fed for two years with the substances to see if it causes cancer). Once these animals have presented reactions they are all dead, but the pain caused while they were submitted has no limit.

"Skin or eye irritation, skin sensitization (causing allergies), toxicity (poisoning), mutagenicity (gen

etic damage), teratogenicity (birth defects), carcinogenicity (causing cancer), embryonic or fetal genetic damage, toxicokinetics (to study the absorption, metabolization, distribution and excretion of chemical substances) "are the effects that these animals usually suffer within the laboratories, according to a report by Anima Naturalis .

The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) estimates that on average 115 million animals are used and killed in the name of science every year, while the United Kingdom is one of the countries that more tests of this type takes place.

Hundreds of millions of animals are used every year in toxicity tests, as learning resources in faculties or research models in various laboratories around the world, denounces Animal Equality.

In United States each year 1.28 million animals are used in experiments, in Canada they are almost 3.38 million and in the United Kingdom 4.11 million experiments of which 2.95 million have to face tests without anesthesia.

Only in the European Union the 27 countries reported in a year the use of more than 12 million animals in experiments which meant that every 10 minutes, 137 animals going through some of these processes, according to figures from the organization AnimaNaturalis.

Scientists also do not want to continue vivisection or dissection of animals still alive, since since 1898, Frances Power Cobbe , an Irish activist, founded the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV).

Thanks to them, the global campaign to stop animal experimentation was carried out and many brands adopted the Cruelty Free or Cruelty Free seal . The products that carry this stamp, a symbol of a rabbit that jumps, was very widespread by the English actor Ricky Gervais and they say that they do not use animals to experience their products.

For these reasons, we promote our products as harmless (eco- friendly & cruelty free) with both the environment and the animals. In HERBOLARIUM you will only find high quality products, 100% hypoallergenic , only produced with noble raw materials from the jungle of Ecuador and of course vegans.

Do you want to help change the world? Start now with us!



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